
Welcome to the PQChoiceAssistant!

With this open-source tool, you can get advice on the feasibility of various post-quantum cryptographic algorithms in your use-case.

By answering relevant questions about your situation, you are able to see recommendations on the most well-suited option, as well as the pros and cons of the schemes.

All information entered in the PQChoiceAssistant is handled client-side, and all calculations are done in the browser. Therefore, no information is stored or viewed by the creators of the PQChoiceAssistant.

For this reason, the tool can also be used offline. You can easily download the website code and background material from GitHub, or click the GitHub icon in the top right.

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About PQChoiceAssistant

The PQChoiceAssistant is a tool developed by TNO and Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, with the support of Fox Crypto, NXP, Technolution and Compumatica, commissioned by the Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (min. EZK), and executed under the dcypher roadmap Cryptography.

In March 2023, we published the PQC Migration Handbook, which assists organisations in mitigating the threat of quantum computers on currently used cryptography, by providing concrete steps and advice. The PQChoiceAssistant is an extension to the PQC Migration Handbook. After the PQC Diagnosis, in which the vulnerable cryptography is identified, the PQChoiceAssistant assists in making the choice of which algorithm(s) to migrate to.

We make a distinction between Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) and Digital Signature Scheme (DSS) algorithms. Currently, we support ML-KEM, Classic McEliece and FrodoKEM as KEMs, and Falcon, ML-DSA, XMSS and SLH-DSA as DSSes. These are the most prominent candidates, as they are either accepted as a NIST standard or have governmental support.

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