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This component contains the table that shows the content of the log. Each row shows one log record and each column shows the value of the corresponding column.

Relations to other components


Name Type Description
LogFile LogFile it contains the content of the input log/logs
onLogViewStateChanged function A function to update logview state to the parent component
onSelectedRowsChanged function A function to pass the selected row to the parent component when it is changed
onRowPropsChanged function A function to pass the property of the row when it is changed
forwardRef React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement> A ref object for update the scrolling between log view and minimap
coloredTable boolean boolean for switching the colored table On/Off
rowProperties RowProperty[] A interface to keep all the row related properties
currentStructureMatch number[] The current selected structure
structureMatches number[][] All the matched structures
structureMatchesLogRows number[] The row number of all the matched structures
collapsibleRows { [key: number]: Segment } A map for the segment annotation, the key is the number of row where the segment starts, the value is the interface Segment contains the start row, end row and the nested level
clearSegmentation function A function to delete all the segmentations


Name Type Initial Value Description
state LogViewState undefined A state to keep several values for representing the log view
columnWidth { [id: string]: number } LOG_COLUMN_WIDTH_LOOKUP A map to keep the width of each column
logFile LogFile this.props.logFile it contains the content of the input log/logs
collapsed { [key: number]: boolean } [] A map to keep tracking if the segmentation is collapsed


Component lifecycle functions