DSS Choice Assistant

Please answer the following questions.

For advanced users with extensive cryptographic knowledge, expert questions are available to get more finetuned results. You are free to skip these questions if you are not sure. Note that expert questions replace the scoring of the corresponding regular question, e.g., when answering expert question 5-1, the answer to question 5 will be disregarded.

Most questions are also accompanied by a brief introduction illustrating the idea behind the question.

For some questions, a
tooltip Tooltips look like this and contain additional information
is available. You can hover over them to see additional information.

We consider four candidate Digital Signature Schemes: ML-DSA, Falcon, SLH-DSA and XMSS. A detailed description of these can be found along with the results of the questionnaire on the next page.

The PQChoiceAssistant is offered by TNO as is. TNO does not warrant the availability of the PQChoiceAssistant at any given time. The PQChoiceAssistant has been developed with great diligence by TNO and CWI. TNO and CWI are not responsible for any damages incurred, in any way, from the use of the PQChoiceAssistant.

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